Athren Avatar
New World (Private: Athren) BY Athren ON Aug 28, 2024 4:08:41 GMT

The Northern Region is located in the far North. It's the coldest region of Earth and filled with ice and glaciers.

Aevi Avatar
Climbing Korin's Tower [Solo] BY Aevi ON Aug 3, 2024 18:22:14 GMT

The Western Region is located on the West side of the Planet. It is ruled by various rocky terrains and deserts and has a slightly hotter temperature. Though not as warm as the Southern Region. The Western Region is home to Earth's biggest City, West City.

Kira Avatar
Bamboo-zled! (Kira, NK) BY Kira ON Aug 27, 2024 2:30:34 GMT

The Eastern Region is located on the East side of the planet. This is known to be the "land of nature" as it contains lots of mountains, forests and overall ruled by grasslands.

Majin Liari Avatar
Who are you! Liari invite BY Majin Liari ON Aug 17, 2024 20:50:40 GMT

The Southern Region is located far south on the Planet. It's the hottest region out of the four and rain and snow barely pour down on any part of the area. It's comprised of a majority of ocean with lots of Islands.

Liek Avatar
Admin Jun 9, 2024 23:10:30 GMT
Liek Aug 28, 2024 15:22:52 GMT
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